Friday, May 13, 2011

Updated Pictures

Well, it's Spring... sort of! We're tired of not being able to play outside. We've been busy with house projects trying to get the house ready to put on the market, again. We're crossing our fingers that this is the year it sells and we can move forward with building again. Faith has been her same busy self too. Here are some updated pictures.

Watching American Idol - always a good song to bounce to.
We did have that one nice day. Faith is sharing her snack with Oscar. He's well fed around her.

And she loves to chase him.

We took a trip to the cities for a weekend and got to do some swimming. She loves the water!

We had a nice visit in Bismarck for Easter. Lots of different things to play with at Grandma Bonnie's!

Faith is very nice to the baby, giving her a pacifier.

She got a new raincoat from the Easter Bunny and spent a lot of time trying to put it on herself.

And a good game of hide and seek.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Faith Turned 1!

Happy first birthday to our special girl! (It was a month ago, but I just got to blogging it.) This first year went by way too fast. People tell you that all the time, but it's so true. This age is so much fun! Her strong, independent personality continues to show through as she learns to do more and more on her own. She has an amazing determination. It's so cool!

Faith had two birthday parties, one at the Gundersens and one with the Fischers on our Grand Forks Sioux hockey weekend.

On the road to Grand Forks.

She really didn't care much about the cakes. Maybe next year.

Another big milestone... her first trip to Buffalo Wild Wings! She's become quite the dipper. She started with celery and ranch.

She had a blast!

One of the servers thought she needed a balloon. We left it there as it was covered in macaroni and cheese by the time she was done. Check out her hair sticking straight out - more macaroni and cheese.

Her first stay in a hotel. Jumping on the bed is great!

Who is that beautiful girl? She needs kisses.

And they had so conveniently placed boxes of tissues where a one year old could reach them and pull all of them out. We got our money's worth.

Life is eventful and the house seems to get a little messier each day.
Seriously, how could we possibly be upset with her. It was a mess, but so funny.
And still finding new places to explore.

I'm so glad we're getting more use out of the bumbo chair. So proud! It took her a while to figure out how to get herself in the chair without sitting on one foot.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

And We're Walking...

Faith took her first steps on January 19th and we thought we had a while before she started walking quite a bit, but that's not really her style. She's getting better at it each day.

Today walking, tomorrow reading??

Fun in a box.
After all of the box rides around the kitchen she worked up quite a thirst.
Doesn't she look like a garden gnome?

Faith continues to head for the fridge every time the door opens.

And she always finds something to tear apart. How nice would it be to just have fun pulling every tissue out of the box and not have to worry about picking it all up?
She's like a little twister leaving her mark all around the house.
And she continues to master her climbing skills, finally making it to the top of the coffee table (which has since been removed from the living room).

And feeding yourself is so much fun! By the way, as easy as Chef Boyardee is, your child will stink like it for a day ~ gross!
Have you ever tried to put mittens on a thrashing octopus? Welcome to my world. Finally, a solution ~ buy toddler stretchy mittens and pull them up to the elbows. Just try to get them off Faith!