Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy 2011! We hope your year is filled with lots of giggles, fun times, and many blessings!
One of Faith's new favorite places to play...
Helping herself to some applesauce.

We've hit the stage where Faith doesn't want to be fed from a spoon and I'm running out of finger food ideas for her. So, it's time for her to learn the spoon and bowl herself and she's having a blast! It's definitely a messy ordeal, but how else do you learn, right?
Mmmmm this is so good! My Mom is the best cook ever!
Just one more lick. (I tried the suction cup bowls, but it took her about 2 minutes to figure out how to pull it off the tray.)
All done! I did it!! Time for a bath.
What is the deal with the tutu? You'd think they'd figure out I am not a princess.

This is so irritating!
Mom and I had a snow day today, so she let me make a big mess again. I had some kind of turkey and gravy goop. Oscar tried to eat my shirt sleeves when I was done.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Busy Girl

I think she's going to be a climber.
Ok, all set Mom. You hand me the dishes and I'll get them loaded.
I know I can get through here.
It's.. kind of... tight.... but I think I got it!

She's such a big girl with her piggies and holding her own bottles.

Faith's first Thanksgiving. Here she is with Uncle Steve.
Mmm.. mashed potatoes.
Cousin Isabelle showing Faith how the scooter works.

This thing has some pretty cool bells and whistles.
Ok Oscar. When they say cheese we look at the camera and smile. Got it?

Grrrr.. Look at my teeth.

Friday, November 12, 2010

And We're Off!

Faith is 8 1/2 months old now and has been crawling for a month. It didn't take long after that for her to pull herself up onto furniture and stand in her crib. You won't find any crawling pictures here though. She's too fast for my camera ~ they're all blurry. And she has NO fear of things. Pretty sure we'll have a climber on our hands.

She also quickly located Oscar's food dish and water dish. She really likes to play in them, so I'm trying to teach her the meaning of no-no-no. She does stop, then looks at me, then smiles. Hmm... maybe discipline takes a while? Aren't you supposed to do time outs in increments of 1 minute per year of age? So like 45 seconds then? I think I'm going to have to read some books on this.

Here's a bathtime photo. When Dad does bathtime it's like a water carnival with running water, sound effects, the whole nine yards. She has so much fun!
Playing the drums.
Look at me in my Faith chair! The last time we got a shot of her in her chair she was only a few months old. My how we've grown. She can get in it, but then to get down she goes head first to the floor.

Two teeth now on the bottom and working on the top two.

These pictures are already almost a month old. We tried the swing out one day with kitty and piggy, but I'm pretty sure she's too big for it now. She really took a liking to her piggy bank and even will talk to it. Not sure what that's all about.
Oh how we love our dinosaur that sings "The apple bottom jeans and the boots with the fur, and the whole club was looking at her..." And it dances!
Look Oscar! Come watch my dinosaur with me.
They really are good friends.

This girl is truly amazing. It is just so fun to watch her learn and absorb things. You can almost see the wheels spinning. And she has a wonderful determination about her. We always knew she was our strong Faith Amelia and she continues to prove that to us daily. Praise the Lord for the blessings he gives us!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Tooth, A Haircut, and Mobility...

Faith is 7 months old now and cut her first tooth last weekend. She also got her first haircut yesterday and did fantastic! She started trying to crawl, but only seems to scoot backwards and get stuck under furniture all the time. Here are some updates...

I layed her in crib and went to get a bottle. When I came back a minute later she made it to the end of the crib. Time to lower the mattress!

Now that she can roll a lot she's even quite mobile in her sleep. I found her sleeping like this one morning. Her right leg is bent up under her tummy. Looks comfy.

The day before the big haircut. Out of control!

Our first salon visit.

All done! Meet my new stylist Amy.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Beautiful Day at the Lake

Faith and I had a great day at Lake Eunice yesterday at my aunt and uncle's cabin. She got a new swimming suit and sun hat from Grandma Bonnie. This is my new favorite picture of my little munchkin. I think she's just beautiful! (But of course I'm a little biased.)

Her first time swimming in her floatie. She didn't mind it, but then she wanted to chew on it and got a little lake water in the mouth.

She got to meet her cousins Arik, Ari, and Alek for the first time and her great Auntie Jane. Here's Arik...
and Jane..

and Grandma Bonnie...
and Great Auntie She....

and second cousin Jack who she was very interested in. Doesn't he look like he's having fun?

And second cousins Kayla and Ari.

and Joe..
and Great Grandma Alice...
A great picture of Kayla and Ari. They're the same age and you'd think they were sisters when they get together.

Such a fun day and the weather was gorgeous. Faith definitely loves being outdoors.