I got the coolest early baptism gift this week from my godparents Greg and Renee. It's a pink big girl chair with MY name embroidered in it. I just love it! Mom was so excited she had me get dressed up in a pretty outfit and try it out for some pictures.

Look how happy I am!

My bunny is hanging out too.

What a great day.

Ok Mom. Really? How many pictures are you going to take?

I think I'll just kick my feet up to see how comfy it is. Yup, this is going to be great when I'm old enough to watch cartoons on Saturday morning.

It's bath time! I love my hair.

Mom's been showing me this thing called a mirror and there is the cutest baby that looks back at me. Sometimes she smiles big and sometimes she screams. I like the smiling one better.

Slumber party in my room!

Why do baby outfits have goofy ears on them? Would you walk around with animal ears on? How is anyone going to take me serious in this?
OH my GOODNESS that chair is adorable!!! I love the picture of Faith lounging and the close-up with a huge smile! She is growing up! SUCH Great pictures on this post. Keep them coming!