Faith and I had a great day at Lake Eunice yesterday at my aunt and uncle's cabin. She got a new swimming suit and sun hat from Grandma Bonnie. This is my new favorite picture of my little munchkin. I think she's just beautiful! (But of course I'm a little biased.)

Her first time swimming in her floatie. She didn't mind it, but then she wanted to chew on it and got a little lake water in the mouth.

She got to meet her cousins Arik, Ari, and Alek for the first time and her great Auntie Jane. Here's Arik...

and Jane..

and Grandma Bonnie...

and Great Auntie She....

and second cousin Jack who she was very interested in. Doesn't he look like he's having fun?

And second cousins Kayla and Ari.

and Joe..

and Great Grandma Alice...

A great picture of Kayla and Ari. They're the same age and you'd think they were sisters when they get together.

Such a fun day and the weather was gorgeous. Faith definitely loves being outdoors.