We're back at the blog after a little break. It's quite busy working full time and keeping up with things. We have a pretty good routine down now, but it feels like we're on the go from the time our feet hit the floor in the morning.
In just under a week Faith will be 5 months old. Just today she learned from cousin Eric how to sit up on her own. I can hardly believe it! She puts her little hands in front of her to support herself and looks like a little monkey. These first months are filled with a lot of firsts. I really need to get her baby book out and start recording things because I'm already forgetting what she did when.
(It looks like she's thinking "I'm going to get you Oscar! It won't be long and I'll be able to crawl after you, so you better learn to move faster!")

We're trying to fill her full with some cereal before bedtime each night. Her other new trick is that she can stick her tongue out and blow, sending the cereal flying everywhere. Of course she thinks it's hilarious. (It is pretty cute.)

Faith is chewing on EVERYTHING! She's working on cutting her two bottom teeth. With a flashlight you can see the very tips of the two little white teeth coming through.

She learned how to roll from her tummy to her back and so now there's no keeping her on her belly. I had to snap the picture fast before she rolled off the pillow.

She attended her first parade in June and wore her Plumbers Inc. to support Daddy. We watched him and his company's trucks and trailers in the parade.

4th of July: My little sunbathing beauty. So wonderful to feel the wind in your hair!

Kicking back on the lawn in the bumbo with her new sarong made by Aunt Jenny.

Those bumbo chairs are fantastic.

Grandma Bonnie got Faith and cousin Katie the cutest 4th of July outfits and made headbands to match.

Time to lose the swimsuit and sarong. It was just too hot!

Grandma Bonnie hand crafted some awesome baby headbands exclusively for her grand babies. We're working on the modeling pose. How do I look?