Sunday, March 21, 2010

Just a couple more pictures

Now this is what it's all about!

We were out at Dave's parents' house yesterday and Ingrid decided Oscar needed a ride in the diaper box. He actually didn't seem to mind it.

Crazy hair McGee.

Look everyone- I have ruffles on my tushy! The first thing Mom thought when she found out I was a girl was "Oh boy, here we go pink and ruffles" and now she thinks it's super cute.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Snuggly Baby

Our snuggly little girl is so sweet.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What a blur!

After our first week with Faith she started having some really bad tummy problems, so we ended up switching her formula several times. The doctor said she is colicky due to an immature digestive system. Since this last change her stomach cramps have eased up quite a bit and she's getting a lot more sleep. We are VERY thankful for that. Colic should clear up by 3 months. That's not long, right?

Grandma Bonnie stayed with us all of last week and helped us out a lot! Dave and I even got to go on a date Friday night. Aunt Jenny, Uncle Scott and cousins Sam and Katie were here from Bismarck for a few days this week and helped me quite a bit. Dave had a work training in South Dakota, so the timing for help was just great. We had lots of fun with cousins!

When we visited Grandma J's a couple of weeks ago Isaiah had his Norwegian flag out, so Faith got her picture taken with it. She will surely know her heritage.

Just hanging in the bouncy chair.

Getting some airing out time on the floor with Dad and big brother Oscar.
Faith's umbilical cord fell off, so she got to have her first real bath. She did very well and even kind of liked it!
The bathing team.
Aunt Jane from Fargo stopped in to meet Faith on her way down to Minneapolis.
Faith in her ducky sleeper. It says "You Quack Me Up".
And in her cute strawberry sleeper. She's quite the fashionista.
Oscar decided he was going to help feed Faith. Or maybe just jealous that Faith gets all the attention from Mom. It would be nice if they made oversized glider rockers. Then I could juggle both a little easier. Oscar has been very good with her. When she cries he just hangs out nearby and plays with his toys or eats his bones. Every once in a while he just looks at me like "really, you're holding her again?" I think they'll be very good friends when she gets a little older.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Our First Week at Home

It's been a fun first week so far, but gone by in a blur. We had our first outing on Wednesday when we visited Grandma J's (Grandma JoAnn) and Bestefar's (Norwegian for Grandpa) house. Faith got to spend some time with her cousins Isaiah and Isabelle.

She's all bundled ready to go.
Uncle Dave and little Miss Isabelle. She's getting so big and has a great personality.
Uncle Dan and Faith.
Aunt Christine and Faith.
They grow really fast. Isabelle is just 5 months older than Faith.

Cousin Isaiah.

Proud Grandma J.
Faith and cousins. They will be such close friends.
Sleepy time.

Faith's big brother Oscar is keeping an eye on her.
Grandpa Tim and Grandma Bonnie came to visit over the weekend. Grandma is staying with us this week to help with all the chores. Yeah! Such a wonderful treat for us!

Faith in some of the little wake time she has.

She fell asleep eating a bottle. I couldn't resist.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My first day home!

They finally sprung me from the hospital late yesterday afternoon. Mom's hemoglobin was really low from the surgery so she had to wait to get a couple of units of blood before we could leave. Her color is coming back today, so I think she's doing better. Here's Dad and me on our way in the front door. I slept the whole way home. It was really nice.
Before we left the hospital and went down to the 1st floor to visit my Bestafar. He really liked me too!

They actually figured out how to get me in this contraption. Mom and Dad are learning a little more each hour I think. We're in this as a team and I try to tell them what I need, but sometimes they aren't real good at translating. We'll work on it though.

Dad measured my feet this morning. Great Grandma Alice will be happy to know I have a real good foundation.
I'm 4 days old today!! I took a little snooze on my boppy pillow this morning. Mom tried to get me to wake up by taking my sleeper off, but I was too comfy.

I have really cool clothes too. This one matches my dark hair and my blue eyes. But really guys, do I need bows already?
You're right, I do look good.

Ahh, snooze time again.

Dad and I like to rock.
He likes the way I smell too. Mom gave me a sponge bath today while Dad ran to town. She knew better than to take pictures of that. I was way too mad.